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Good race

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Sonic Fanon Wiki
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Zuiverheid the Raccoon (pronounced "ZEE-ver-hide") is a battle mage that serves the Light Clan of Celeritas. He left his home of the Kingdom of Soleanna at eighteen years of age to escape the oppression faced by those sharing his sexual orientation.

Physical Description[]

A slender raccoon who stands a little over three feet tall, Zuiverheid has a fairly short muzzle with a triangular nose, somewhat small, pointed ears that stand upright, and a bushy, medium-length tail.

His fur is primarily ghost white in color, with a white muzzle, chest and stomach, as well as a pale aqua eye mask, ears, forearms, and tail stripes. He has no hair on his head, instead having a tuft of longer fur, and his eyes are robin egg blue in color.


Under Soleannan Law[]

When Zuiverheid was roughly twelve years old, he found himself developing a crush on a fellow male student in school. Not realizing that such romantic preferences were despised by the hyper-conservative Soleannans, the young raccoon shyly approached the other boy and confessed his feelings. He was met with scorn and laughter, and deep embarrassment from the object of his affection.

Leaving the Kingdom[]

For roughly six years after that disastrous day at school, Zuiverheid had become very quiet and withdrawn, often refusing to go to school. His parents didn't know how to help him, either.

The Elemental Wars[]

The Great Treaty of The Clans[]


Base Stats
Stamina Good
Strength Average
Energy Superior
Durability Average
Resistance Average
Speed Great
Reflexes Great
Magic Superior
Kinesis N/A
Intellect Great
Other Stats
Eyesight Good
Hearing Great
Olfactory Great

As a battle mage, Zuiverheid excels at dealing large amounts of Elemental/energy-based damage in a short amount of time, bursting down fragile opponents before they get a chance to touch him. He primarily attacks from a range to further supplement his combat style, using his respectable speed and agility to stay out of the reach of his opponents while peppering them with Elemental salvos. He needs to rely on this strategy quite a bit, however, as he is fairly fragile overall; any opponent who can get past his onslaught and retaliate with strong attacks of their own will be able to overwhelm him.

Zuiverheid is a highly adept solaramancer, and primarily uses mid to high-level ranged/energy-based techniques of the Light Element; as his physical strength isn't amazing in the slightest, his physical/close-ranged options are rather weak, and he doesn't really bother to use those anyways.


Zuiverheid is relatively resistant to the Element of Light. He is quite fast, and can easily outpace slower foes and evade their attacks.


Zuiverheid is weak to the Element of Darkness. His defenses aren't anything special, therefore he mostly relies on his agility to try and evade potentially devastating attacks. His physical strength is also less than stellar, making him falter heavily in hand-to-hand combat.

Friends and Foes[]





Zuiverheid was very shy as a young boy, especially around strangers. After being rejected by his crush, he became even more withdrawn than before, until he finally decided to move to Hope Tower at the age of eighteen. Being surrounded by people who didn't ostracize him for his sexual orientation allowed him to open up more, and he became much more relaxed and friendly.

Positive Traits[]

Neutral Traits[]

Negative Traits[]



His name is the Dutch word for "purity".
