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Sonic Fanon Wiki
Emerald Trophy2 Voted Best Group of Winter 2016!

The Black Cards is a group of travelling circus performers created by HauntedAlchemist, Minato Arisato00, and TheSkullWolf.


Bold is older members of the group.

Main Members

  • Spades the Husky (Ace of Spades): Spades is very much like her own individual team. She's the one who keeps track of all of the The Black Cards' funds, and her precision with blades allows her to perform various acts for the audience.
  • Domino the Quoll (King of Diamonds): Domino is the group's tactician in a way. He's the guy that plans everything and sort of forces his inputs into every situation. He takes place as the main musician and artist of the group.
  • Jack the Weasel (Jack of Clubs): Considered the outcast and shocker of the group. Jack's performances are very horrifying and almost bone chilling to watch as they show out scenes of gore and the likes. But it is all fake, right?
  • Marionette the Serval (Queen of Hearts): View Stitches the Living Doll under "Former Members" below.

Other Members

  • Solitare the Antelope : After Mirage was kicked out, the group sought out a new member that could be a replacement for the illusionist.
  • Candice the Meerkat: Candice is a pyrokinetic and takes part in the magic act.
  • Nikolai the Elephant: Don't feed him peanuts.
  • Nobody the Saboten: A saboten that was taken from his natural habitat to be used in The Black Cards's act.
  • Gareth the Bull: Gareth is the stocky/clumsy member of the group. He's a very nice guy and loves to help people in the group. Though he's naive and is a huge fan of Domino. He is notably both the group maid (cleans after performances and takes care of the members), but he is also the groups only technician.
  • Clown Animatronics: Clown robots that are currently maintained by Jack. They are all made to look like penguins and perform silly acts.

Former Members

  • Mirage the Husky: An illusionist and former member of the magic act, she was removed from the list of members and was fired immediately after one of her performances went awry. She is now apparently with The Nazar, a completely different group.
  • Joker the Snake: An engineer, he originally created the clown animatronics that are used in the circus acts. He was a good friend of Jack in his former life and brought Joker into the Black Cards. Unfortunately, Joker died under 'mysterious circumstances'.
  • Stitches the Living DollA main member of the group that was subsequently left behind after her questionable activities, Stitches once was in charge in the puppeteering acts and also worked with the Clown Animatronics. Though Stitches did not tarnish The Black Card's reputation like Mirage did, her personality and actions behind stage ultimately led to the other main three agreeing to fire her.


The Black Cards have their own sets of rules and policies to live by, all made by Domino.

  1. Do not travel without the group.
  2. Do not fight or kill any members.
  3. Do not fight your viewers/any consumers.
  4. Do not have verbal disputes between consumers.
  5. Members are not to eat the concessions.
  6. Do not converse with anyone during performances.
  7. Save any conversations after performing or during travel.

Base of Operations

The Black Cards function as a traveling circus show. They use several stage and concession sets that are transported by trucks. These trucks also happen to function as quarters for the minor stars of the show, with one of these truck having been adjusted to house Nobody while keeping him alive. The major stars stay in one "first class"-styled truck. This setup allows them to easily prepare for upcoming shows and also allows them to stay on the move whenever they may get in trouble.


The group's attire isn't very strict, though the colors black and white are required. Everyone must wear something appropriate for whatever they must perform. Depending on the act they're associated with in particular, they must also wear the proper colors and the proper accessories that show they're part of said act.

  • Red: The blades act. Because this is run by Spades, members are also required to wear an accessory that appears like the spades symbol. Sheathes are often necessary, but not always depending on the person.
  • Yellow: The puppet act. Though it's the puppets and animatronics that are performing, the puppeteers are still required to wear hearts and the color yellow/gold/tan.
  • Green: The firearms act. Led by Jack, those that participate in this must also wear an object similar to the clubs symbol. Holsters are a must as well.
  • Blue: The musicians act, and can also be considered an alternate color the the magic act as well. With Domino managing this, people must wear something similar to a diamond. This does also apply to those that are magicians, despite Domino not necessarily leading it.
  • Purple: The main color for the magic act. Again, people of this act are required to wear an accessory similar to a diamond.

Each member's uniforms undergoes a judging process before it is decided that it's acceptable to wear. Anything relating to playing cards is encouraged for obvious reasons, as are patterned fabrics that are comfortable and won't get in the way of performing.

Makeup is usually worn during performances and is often extravagant. This isn't necessarily noted as a must, but everyone is always seen wearing it regardless (this may be Domino's doing).


These acts are not in order (aside from the opening act coming first and the closing act coming last, of course).

  • Opening Act: The beginning of The Black Card's performance starts as a combination of all upcoming acts, and introduces the main members to the audience. This is usually run by Domino, who is also the announcer.
  • Music Act: Led by Domino, this is performed all throughout the entirety of the show.
  • Blades Act: Led by Spades, this act involves various dangerous activities with a variety of blades, including knives, swords, and more. The finale is performed by Spades herself.
  • Crystalline Act: Led by Domino, this act involves the Quoll to perform rhythmical noises as he jumps around a large parkour course. The performance attracts audience attention as it it quite high flying. The music made as the crystals clang and clash together is something to behold. The finale is performed by Domino himself.
  • Firearms Act: Led by Jack, the performance involves various firearms (none pointed at the audience, of course) and is often described as gruesome. The tension is often high among the audience, and the finale is performed by Jack.
  • Puppet Act: Once led by Marionette, they no longer have a leader, but manage themselves as a team. The act involves the animatronics, puppets of all kinds, and "living puppets" (living people with their limbs being controlled by their partner). The finale is performed by the animatronics.
  • Magic Act: Though supposedly originally assigned to Domino (hence the outfits' color), they are like the puppet act in which they lack a leader, but work as a team. Their finale was once performed by Mirage, who was replaced by Candice after she was fired.


Once originally known as the trademarked Cards & Canvas, the now infamously famous circus crew known as the Black Cards didn't have such infamy at the start.

It all began with Leo and Jerry Card, two talented lemurs that decided they had a knack for the unknown arts of entertainment. Together the two created Cards & Canvas, both being cards and the playing field being their canvas. The idea originated after the two took great pleasure to going to theme parks and circuses of the likes. They wanted to create a easy working entertainment establishment that welcomed new talent and kept audience attention.

From what started as a little family owned business blew up into a huge entertainment enterprise. Before the twin lemurs knew it, they spent less time out doing stunts, and more time signing contracts and creating very large business revenue. The two Card brothers were filthy rich and led generations of following family members into the business.

After the two lemurs passed away with several million credits still hardened into their business, sooner or later the family just stopped owning the fine Cards & Canvas traveling circus park. It was instead co-led by the great grandson of Leo named Gerome and an old family friend. The two renamed the traveling circus into Deck of Cards Ent. Many fans were displeased with the name change but acts were still entertaining.

It was at the point of Gerome's control that the company was making the most revenue off of entertainment practices. The new hired blood (Spades the HuskyDomino the QuollJack the WeaselMirage the Husky,etc.) was very popular among fans. They had all sorts of merchandise for the new cast members and shows were as stated before, bringing in loads of revenue. The business was at an all time high!

Deadly Misfortune

Mirage was an incredible fan favorite. She was described as having the most realistic plays, fans would go roaring for the young husky. This however did not last. During a performance using hex magic, Mirage ended up killing the groups former engineer assisting her, Joker the Snake.

After long fought court cases, Gerome listed the death as a mystery when in reality he knew why and how Joker died. He abruptly fired Mirage under secrecy. After not seeing Mirage on stage and with the rumored death of former member Joker; the traveling circus was under heavy duty fire by conspiracy theorists, fans, and critics alike.

Revenue was at an all time low and veteran workers were just suffering with low income and even worse working conditions. Some months at a time there would be no acts or anything. There was no new blood entering the circus either, so old acts got dry and fans refused to come any longer.

As his old family friend retired and quit during the murder case, Gerome was looking into retirement as well and considered selling stock before closing and shutting down the doors to Deck of Cards, a decision that would leave the wrong people angry.

Recreation & Cutting Loose Ends

After a huge workers outcry on the state of the business, Gerome went into hiding in fear of his own workers catching wind of his possible retirement with business profit. A trio of former employees banded up and dragged Gerome into a distant desert. They each tortured and threatened the old lemur until a slender quoll sealed his fate by forcing him to commit suicide.

With the death of Gerome, many were in a state of shock as to what would be the next step for Deck of Cards. The traveling circus was recreated a year afterward once former members put in their money as a one shot way of recreating the business to better themselves and future workers.

Amazed at the news, old fans just couldn't resist jumping on the possible chance of new Cards acts. After hitting a major success with the reunion event, the old employees developed an online poll for fans to take to display what they would like for oncoming plays and a new business name as well as a new uniform.

It was decided by fans and staff that the new name to the traveling circus would be The Black Cards. Led by the three main members Domino, Spades, and Jack; the circus was finally running financially well. New acts and auditions were accepted into the circus and made the whole business fan friendly as well as worker friendly.

Despite its rugged, dark, and mysterious past, the now new Black Cards are just as popular as the old Cards & Canvas days, bringing many old fans in a reminiscent fashion of how the old traveling circus used to be.
