Ahh...would he go after Dismal?--"That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario!"----"Tssssssst." 21:13, July 9, 2010 (UTC)
If Dismal were to get in his way, then I knew ye well, Dismal... JMBZ-12 21:22, July 9, 2010 (UTC)
I think Violet is going to get mad at J when he won't talk to her. Violet that's the wrong thing you need to be thinking about right now. Black Chaos rise again! 21:31, July 9, 2010 (UTC)
Actually, Dark J LVL. 2 can speak. The problem is, he lacks speaking ability, so the Ultimate Lifeform siblings only understands what he is saying where others cannot. JMBZ-12 21:39, July 9, 2010 (UTC)
Ahh I see. Black Chaos rise again! 21:47, July 9, 2010 (UTC)
Dismal: ._.
Dark J Level 2: [narrows eyes at Dismal in a suspicious manner]
Dismal: *gulp* (backs away)
(J seems to have msyteriously vanished, then appears from behind!)
Dark J Level 2: .... [grabs Dismal's shoulder with his hand, and he uses Chaos Control on Dismal, causing him to vanish]
Dark J Level 2: [nods his head left and right 6 times]
(Wherever Dismal ended up...)
Dismal: Oof! (gets up) Ugh...