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"What makes you think I'm afraid of YOU?"

Shyseng is a White Cherouv born in the Hyperverse, just like his "siblings".

Physical Description[]

Like the other Cherouvs, Shyseng is about two feet tall, with pure white fur, spiky silver hair that is rather short, two pairs of silver, feathered wings, two pairs of long ears, a long, slender tail ending in a golden tuft, a golden ruff of fur around his neck, golden, pronged horns, and a ball of pure light in between them. His eyes are dark red in color, and he has green markings dyed into his fur.




Base Stats
Stamina Average
Attack Average
Spcl. Atk Good
Defense Average
Spcl. Def Average
Speed Great
Reflexes Great
Magic Good
Psyche Good
Intellect Good
Other Stats
Eyesight Great
Hearing Superior
Olfactory Great

Like all of the White Cherouvs, Shyseng is able to fly, manipulate the Element of Light via Mance, and also has moderate telekinetic abilities; he is also capable of limited teleportation, able to blink a maximum distance of two feet. On his own, he isn't terribly powerful, but when grouped up with his siblings, he is able to combine his power with theirs, allowing them all to become a singular, mighty force.


Like all of the White Cherouvs, Shyseng is resistant to the Element of Light. His alignment with Psychic Energy also makes him resistant to Soul Energy. He is quite fast and agile, able to dodge slow-moving attacks and opponents with ease.


Like all of the White Cherouvs, Shyseng is weak to the Element of Darkness. His alignment with Psychic Energy also leaves him vulnerable to Chaos Energy. His subpar defenses make him a fragile combatant.

His cockiness leads him to go in over his head more often than not, which easily gets him into trouble.

Friends and Foes[]

  • Ka, the Great Wheel of Being - Shyseng's "father", who created him and all of the other White Cherouvs. The Great Wheel dotes on him and his siblings much like an actual father.
  • The White Cherouvs - Shyseng's "siblings". Despite the occasional squabbles, all of the Diavols are very close, like a family, and are always looking out for each other.
  • The Elemental Gods - Like the other White Cherouvs, he looks up to The Elemental Gods as if they were aunts and uncles.
  • The Herald of Death -


  • Ka, the Great Wheel of Being - Shyseng's "father", who created him and all of the other White Cherouvs. The Great Wheel dotes on him and his siblings much like an actual father.
  • The White Cherouvs - Shyseng's "siblings". Despite the occasional squabbles, all of the Diavols are very close, like a family, and are always looking out for each other.
  • The Elemental Gods - Like the other White Cherouvs, he looks up to The Elemental Gods as if they were aunts and uncles.
  • The Herald of Death -


  • Taenger the Cherouv - Shyseng sometimes picks on the timid Cherouv, believing he should stand up for himself, rather than rely on his friend, Terantai.



Apart from the childlike naivety all Cherouvs seem to display, Shyseng is also quite cocky, and, just like to Alerakdra the Diavol, he has a bad habit of getting in way over his head, which frequently leads him to get into trouble. He tends to be a bit more aggressive than most of the other White Cherouvs as well.



Biggest Fears[]



See also[]
