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Good race

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Sonic Fanon Wiki
This is an article about Riley the Tiger, a character created by Nitrogen218 on 12/2/2013.

I may not be actually "In' to Raven, but my affections for him are false. All true."

Riley the Tiger is a false fangirl created by Nitrogen218 that isn't even a fan of Raven the Cyberhog, she pretended to be one because she felt something "Unusual" about Annamaria. She is an expert actress and acrobatic tiger that is the girlfriend of Bulk the Bear.


Riley is a 15-year-old tiger with orange and black fur, peach skin, and blue eyes. She also has light brown hair that goes down to her hips. Her bangs hang off to the side of her face. She wears a black cortez with collar and the shoulder areas are colored white, orange, fingerless gloves with black finger holes and scratch marks, thick blue ring bracelets, a black spiky skirt with a red spiky sash, and light brown boots with black, thick straps, the boots also have a bandage pattern in the formation of an "X". Lastly, the boots don't have the toe part anymore. 


Riley is a conscientious, but well-admired tiger that often fights more than she shops, mostly with a ferocious attitude. She seems to like knocking the teeth outta criminals with a passion. it also takes a lot to put in her angered position. If successful you're well to say the least, as good as an ice crystal in an inferno. Dead-meat fresh off the market. Some say her ferocious nature makes her fearful around others in combat or when she is normally mad. when calm, she is cooperative, courteous, and attentive towards others. She normally offers a helping hand when possible. Normally, she tends to want to be perfect at being an actress. Any mistake makes her nervous.


When Riley was born to loving parents Victor the Cheetah and Vanessa the Tiger, she grew with the inspiration of acting with her parents. In fact, she looked up to them as role models. However, at the age of 9, Deadeye the hedgehog blows down the door of Riley's home, threatening her parents that they will die if he doesn't get any money from them. However, they didn't make much money, but just enough to support everyone. However, Deadeye must've been impatient that day and shot them dead. Riley runs from the home with Deadeye hot on her heels, and barely misses shots of bullets flying by her as Deadeye fires 50 more shots from his AK-47. Assuming that she was dead, he runs off like the ghosts of the past are coming at him.

And a grieving Riley fled to her aunt's home in a panic ,and lived there ever since. She knew if she wasn't trained properly, she would be next on the kill list. So, she started taking self-defense lessons after the incident. At the age of 12, Deadeye appears again in pursuit of Riley. She then climbs out the back window of her room and silently makes her way to Deadeye's location. Feeling the sense of him turning around, she slides behind a potted plant and quickly avoids detection with Deadeye unnoticed, she scratches his back and uses a silent takedown on him, saving her aunt from her death. She immediately contacts the S.S.P.D. and Raven is there in no time flat, thereby arresting him.

At her current age, She was fully trained in acrobatics, acting, and combat. She then developed a crush on fellow combat trainee Bulk the Bear. As time goes on ,she gets this unusual feeling on Annamaria, so she thought she would do her a favor as annoying as possible so Annamaria could secretly win his affection. Although, this eventually blows up in her face when a jealous Trinity walks in on Annamaria and Raven Hugging.


Powercore Riley

Scratch Attack- she leaps on to her target and goes crazy with the claws.

Charm of the feline- she uses her persuasive talk to get information out of her targets.

Poison claws- she slowly scratches her opponent and injects poison through her fingers.

Special Abilities[]

She has something known as "Blood sense", giving her the ability to sense any unidentified Mobians that she doesn't recognize.


Master of Stealth

capable of wielding firearms

Practiced self-defense


Riley the Tiger

The ferocious actress.


She can't take on a group of people at once.

she can be up tight if something goes wrong.


'Hi I'm Riley."

"I know what it's like being sucked into an evil group."

"Please don't push him around, he'll knock you into next thursday."

'Here. I made this for my new friend."

"Treat it gently, it's the best one I made."

"Come on, join the group, I believe in you, you can do it."

Get away from my man, stalker-hog!


What's up, everyone? Oh no wait, don't tell me.

Hey, MY family, MY business. I don't need your two-sense, jerk.

Alright, Alright, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean any harm.

Just don't say I'm an actress, It'll hurt Annette."

Well, bulky. You've got the heart to make a ladies' head spin."
