This page pertains to all fanon characters that are related to the Sonic franchise in ANY continuity.
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All items (6011)
- A-0793
- A.F.C. Blinky (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Aaron Teltessa Tesara
- Abby Sinnian (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Abe (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Abigail the Cat
- Achilles Coyote
- Acid The Dog
- Acorn the Squirrel
- Adam "The Magician" Ferris
- Adeline The Hedgehog
- Adelyte
- Adiere the Mink
- Aegaeon the Shark
- Aegis the Cheetah
- Aegrine the Hedgedragon
- Aeithius the Shapeshifter
- Aelos
- AEnigma
- Aeon the Hedgehog
- Aeonine
- Aero the Fox
- Agent Honeydew (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Agent Jacob Lawson
- Agent Shinu
- Ages Tranquil the Fox
- Agnes the Wolfdog
- Agni
- Agony
- Agony/Gallery
- Agony/History and app.
- Agony/Misc.
- Aguaceiro the Dragon
- Ahvardus the Wolf
- AiAi (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Aidan "Pyro" Winchester
- Air the Echidna
- Airon "Jonic" Hikarikaze the Ookami
- Aizor the Chao
- Aja the Hyena
- Ajuloputus the HedgeLynx
- Akari the Kitsune
- Ake
- Akimika Minami
- Akio The Hokkaido Wolf
- Akira The Hedge-Fox
- Akiza the Wolf
- Akku the Vontsira
- Alaina the Hedgehog
- Albus the Cat
- Alcagorn the Black
- Alder the Dog
- Aldez the Fox
- Aleena the Antelope
- Alerakdra the Diavol
- Alex Edurus
- Alex Kidd (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Alex Rabbit
- Alex the Kitsune
- Alex the Virus
- Alexander Anosov
- Alexi-Na Finitevus
- Alexia the Hedgehog
- Alexia the Hedgehog/Sonic Reborn Version
- Alexis the Quoll
- Alfred the Ancient
- Algore the Dragon
- Ali Atesh the Caracal
- Alice Maeda
- Alice Paramore
- Alice the Bristol
- Alicia Acorn/Mobius Redrawn
- Alicia the Fox
- Alikabok the Genet
- Alison the Husky
- Alistair the Porcupine
- Allen the Devilcat
- Allen the Wombat
- Allunare the Kangaroo
- Allyson the Lightwolf
- Aloa "Roset" The Hedgehog
- Aloa The Hedgehog (Reboot)
- Aloe the Fox
- Alondra the Hedgewolf
- Alonzo Maricina
- Alto the Fennec
- Alucard The Vampire Bat
- Alvalance Percival Monroe
- Alvorada the Lynxadger
- Alyssa the Dog
- Amadeus Prower (JBFC)
- Amadeus Prower/Marshalia13's Universe
- Aman Rapi (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Amanda Hedgehawk
- Amanda the Hedgehog
- Amani the Tigress
- Amanzi the Mandarin Dragonet
- Amaran (species) (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Amaranth the Raccoon
- Amaris the Jackal
- Amber The Cat
- Amber the Hedgehog
- Amber the VCAR
- Amble the Gerbil
- Amelia Rose (MHA)
- Amelia the Hedgehog
- America Chavez (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Amethyst
- Ametisti the Cat
- Amiga (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Amigo (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Amir and Jamal (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Amorevole the Hedgehog
- Amy (Re: Sonic GX)
- Amy Rose
- Amy Rose (AngieYaz Sonic Underground reboot)
- Amy Rose (Animated)
- Amy Rose (BearfootTruck's Universe)
- Amy Rose (Sonic Armageddon)
- Amy Rose the Rascal
- Amy Rose(Dieglex's Universe)
- Amy Rose/Darkest Shadow's Universe