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Sonic Fanon Wiki
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Darkest Shadow, the author of Carly the Cat, considers this page to be unfinished. As such, some sections may change.

Carly the Cat is a character created by Darkest Shadow. She is the mother of Lina and Christina, and works as a hairstylist in New Mobotropolis.

General Info[]

Carla Morgan Transon-Svettreco (nee Monnie) is a 44-year-old cat living on 17 Cherrytree Lane. She is the mother of two daughters: Lina the Hedgehog, and Christina the HedgeCat. She is also the stepmother of three stepchildren, Storm the Hedgehog, Emerald the Hedgehog, and Bloodstone the Hedgehog. She was married to Gold the Hedgehog for many years, but then divorced. After a year or two, she remarried to a new man, Tempest the Hedgehog.

However, with Lina being in Gaudia University, and Christina working in New Oreal City, Carly and Tempest live alone in their huge mansion. Being a mom, she always tries to butt in in their children's lives. Every two weeks, Carly had to send her kids to see their father. As a job, she takes a train to New Mobotropolis to work at a hair salon. She is pretty good at designing clothes, and still has her fashion and styling degree hanging on her room. Being famous, lots of people go down to her workplace and are dying to get their hair done by her.


Early life[]

Carly was the daughter of Opalesence and Francis the Cat. She was a golden cat, who apparently loved to sing. However, her obsessive singing stopped once she hit puberty, and her voice lost it's cuteness.

Not very much known about how she spent her years of youth. She didn't play any sports, and wasn't really involved in a lot of activities. She was just socially popular all throughout her school years.

Teen Years[]

One day, Carly was walking until somebody knocked her into the water. When she was knocked in, she thought he was crazy, but then she realized how handsome and attractive he was, and never mentioned it. They introduced each other to themselves and became good friends.

Carly was very influenced by fashion and was considered to be one of the most attractive girls in her school. She competed in world class competitions, but only got as far as winning Miss New Verona once. She kept up with the latest fashions and had many popular friends throughout high school.

Somewhere in her senior year, Carly fell in love with Gold. That's when graduation happened. At the end of their graduation, they had their first kiss.... and they haven't seen each other in their future colleges.

Carly got accepted into a few colleges, one being Alskora. She was very excited because Alskora offers some of the best college courses in fashion marketing.

Her first years of college were excellent. She was passing her fashion, designing, and hairdressing courses. Some people even admired her for her singing. 

Finally, she got her bachelor's degree in fashion, master's degree in hairdressing, and master's degree in designing.


One day, Carly was going skiing, and then she fell on her skis and knocked into a boy. She realized that that was the same boy that knocked her into the fountain in middle school. Both were thrilled to see each other again. From there, they refounded their relationship and fell in love again.

On a magical day, Gold said the four words that made Carly almost cry. They were seeing each other for a very long time, and Carly was performing for a bunch of people. Gold came on stage and told Carly that he had a little "surprise". He knelt down on one knee and opened the box, "Carly Morgan Monnie, will you marry me?" Gladly, she accepted and they became engaged. 

A few months later, with the help of her family, she got the money to make her special day very magical. She chose some of her friend's daughters to become her flower girls and bride's maids. She chose her best friend, René, a friend of her's, to be her maid of honor.

For their honeymoon, Carly used her money to fly to Laluhu to have their honeymoon. It was magnificent, from the first class flight to the fire breathing, and the romantic waterfalls.


(Under construction)

Being the mother of Lina was tough. She came out of a C section and the pain in her stomach lasted for days. Sleep was a huge problem for the couple. Keeping Lina calm and content was a nightmare. She kept crying and crying through the nights, and the standard pacifying methods weren't working. She had to mostly drop her off at daycares since her life was so busy. Lina didn't prefer the arms of either of her or Gold, which angered them very much. She much preferred Aunt Snow or nobody at all.

However, it only took a year and a half for the constant crying to calm Lina down a little.

Three years later, her second child was born. Christina was the only name she could think of for naming this child.


Carly is your typical mother. She is very considerate and supportive of her family and will do whatever it takes to be with them. She is very solicitous about what they do and tries her best to raise them the right way. Carly has a great tolerance, both physical and mental, to keep her kids calm and collected. She knows exactly what to say and do in tricky circumstances and finds a way for almost anything.

Carly is a very kind and caring woman. As a mother, she takes very good care of her daughters. She treated her daughters just like how her parents treated her when she was their age. Her discipline isn't very strict. She tries to raise their kids to be nice, kind mobian beings. The results varied, while Christina grew up to be a sweet but tough lady like she envisioned her kids to be, Lina became a rebellious rockstar, the one thing she didn't want her to become.

As a mom, Carly invades people's space. She always tries to get into her daughter's lives. She always wanted to feel hip and young. Some of these actions involve interrupting Christina's sleepover parties, making her daughters' 16th birthdays like their 6th birthdays, and constantly watching over, spying or eavesdropping on their friends.

Despite this, Carly is rather seen as a jealous mother. Seeing her daughters, especially Christina, having a more successful career than she had, she would often wish that she was more successful. For instance, Carly never even won the title of Miss New Verona, while Christina won that title several times. She would try her best to stop her children from doing things because "it will embarrass them".

Carly fights for what she believes is right. When her kids are in danger, you know she will be there as soon as she can to settle the problem.

Abilities and Powers[]




  • Lina the Hedgehog- Her first daughter, Carly loves Lina very much. Although, Lina tries to keep her distance from her mother, especially now that she has her own place, she still likes having conversations with her. However, Lina barely ever visits Carly, though Carly visits her much more frequently.
  • Christina the HedgeCat- Her second daughter, Carly loves her daughter with all of her heart. She views Christina as a mini-me of herself. Carly helped Christina learn the power of crystallokinesis. She tried to spend as much time as she could with her daughter before she left for Eifflyn.
  • Bloodstone the Hedgehog- Her daughter with Tempest, Carly loves Bloodstone. At first, she was very frightened by her power, and considered giving her up for adoption, but now she learned to cope with it and started to raise her like she raised her older siblings.
  • Emerald the Hedgehog- Her stepdaughter, Carly loves Emerald.
  • Storm the Hedgehog- Her stepson, Carly loves Storm.
  • Opalescence the Cat- Carly's mother, the two love each other. However, Carly tries to keep her distance away from her mother, as she feels as though she is too clingy. She was more than happy to let her move into her house once Christina left.
  • Francis the Cat- Carly's father, Carly truly loved her father. She would do anything to bring him back.
  • Tempest the Hedgehog- Carly's new husband. Tempest and Carly truly love each other. Her mother, nor her two daughters, like him at all, but she thinks that he's just what she wanted.


  • Meline Sabato-Stewart- The mother of David, Carly and Meline were best friends in high school. In fact, Meline was the maid of honor at Carly's first wedding. The two introduced their children to them when it was time, and they have been close family friends. Meline was with her every moment of Carly's journey through life.
  • Ray Sabato- Carly knew Ray very well. Carly and Ray were good friends before Meline married him. When Ray was thrown in jail, Carly vowed to visit him at least once every other week to check on him.
  • Concordia Petals- The mother of Alexis, Christina's best friend, the mothers have a very good friendship with each other. Carly always goes out with her whenever their daughters are at each other's houses.
  • Sean Petals- Sean and Carly have quite the awkward history together. They dated twice in high school, and in college. They were very awkward around each other, but when their daughters became best friends, they got over it.
  • Dawn Fifi- Dawn and Carly used to be rivals in high school. Dawn was one of the more unpopular lonely girls when she was in high school, and Carly used to always make fun of her. However, when the two had children, Dawn grew up beautifully, and now Carly became jealous of her sometimes.
  • Paul Fifi- Paul and Carly have a healthy fellow parent relationship with each other.
  • Lysandra Escalvirno- Lysandra and Carly are very good friends. Though Carly is oblivious of the Princess's true intentions, Lysandra has no reason to hurt Carly, so the two are good friends. Lysandra does however open up to her quite often.
  • Alexis Petals- The best friend of her daughter, Alexis views Carly as a second mother, even calling her mom. Carly loves Alexis like she is her own child sometimes.
  • Michelle the Cat- The other best friend of her daughter, Michelle also finds Carly to be like a second mother.
  • David the HedgeFox- At first, Carly thought David liked Christina and she didn't like him, because he thought he wasn't good enough for her daughter, but now she views him as her own son.


  • Gold the Hedgehog- Her ex-husband, Gold and Carly had a fairy tale-like love story. Eventually, they were happily married and had a comfortable life with their daughters for years. Unfortunately, they got into a fight and had to file for divorce when the kids were young. At first, they couldn't bear the sight of them together, but then they started to learn to live without hating each other and started to become friends-ish.
  • Viola the Porcupine- Gold's new wife, Viola and Carly knew each other for a long time, long before she met Gold. They used to be good friends, until Viola moved away. They ran into each other once, and that's when she found out Carly married Gold. They haven't seen each other for a while, and the next time they saw each other, it was when Gold remarried Viola.
  • Katey, Miley, and Tori the Porcupines- Carly doesn't really care about her husband's three daughter-in-laws, but she thinks that they all are nice people.


  • Martin Stewart- The new husband of Meline, Carly despised Martin. Martin was one of the most popular guys in her high school, and they were good friends up until senior year, when he almost killed Carly in high school by trying to drown her in her own pool. She will always and forever hate him for that.