Flare, awaiting revamp, the author of Burn the Pyrohog, considers this page to be unfinished. As such, some sections may change.
Burn the Pyrohog, former Crown Prince of the Pyranic Empire, is a troll and Pyrohog, as well as an original member of Team Reaper.

Credit to Gamergal!
Burn Pyrinth was born to King Napalm Pyrinth and Queen Inferno Pyrinth, the royal family of the Pyranic Empire. Burn was their first born son, and so the inheritor to the throne. However, his younger twin brother Draco Pyrinth objected, saying HE should be king in the future. At the age of eleven, Burn found himself suddenly injured in a way everyone thought he would die from: a stabbing with a frozen sword. Burn objected, claiming that he had been stabbed by a plain knife at Draco's hands, but nobody believed him, instead performing all the ceremonies to farewell the 'dead' prince, before disposing of him. Saddened, he left, unknowingly triggering his older sister Penny the Pyrohog and a couple of their friends to follow him quietly, a month or two after. Sick with an infection, Burn almost died in a near-abandoned zone, but a cat found his body and managed to drag him to a hospital. The cat identified himself (simply) as Biggie, although somewhat confused as to what happened with the hedgehog. Another being, a doctor by the name of Bubonic told him that he nearly died had Biggie not brought him to Bubonic's care. After he became healthy enough to be himself, he was taken to meet Bubonic's superior, Mac. Mac told him that these people were all Trolls, and that something they did was help out people who need help. Burn offered to help them in return for saving his life, and so was taken to meet Matthew the Power Hedgehog and Anne the Power Hedgehog, a pair of cousins who had run away after Matthew killed Anne's father, his uncle, because he tried to kill Anne, Matthew's love. They quickly formed a team, called 'Team Reaper' by Mac for the scythe that Matthew carried. It was at that point that Burn renounced his last name, becoming simply Burn the Pyrohog. Later, as his older sister and a couple of other pyrohogs joined, they changed the name of their team to Reaper's Legion. Unfortunately, after about two years of stability, Anne's father's legacy appeared, starting to kill Matthew, which the legion couldn't fix. Burn and his surrogate family were reluctant, but had to give up their attempts to heal him. However, Bubonic managed to save Matthew's life by adding DNA from a being called Danny the Mimic to Matthew's, allowing to become stable and become 'Reaper mk. I'. However, a hedgehog younger than Burn and the Mimic made Reaper's body start to fail him, but Bubonic and his contacts saved Reaper's life, making Reaper mk. II in the process. Burn remained second-in-command of the 'Pyro League' as it was dubbed for Reaper's absence, with Penny leading them until Reaper recovered.
info being added
Burn is an orange and light blue Shadow recolor with a red vest and blue pants and red eyes.
Burn, for his age, is immensely talented, as was his brother. Each one had mastered all the simplified Fire and standard Fire techniques their teachers threw at them, and both started working on an advanced style: Burn chose Inferno while Draco chose Napalm. Burn can control and manipulate two Inferno Streams from his hands while using a Fire Blast from his mouth and shielding the rest of his body with flames without breaking a sweat. He possesses Flaming, Blazing, Burning and Flare transformations, with higher forms along his Blazing form path actually revealed. Outside of combat,he's a talented flutist, although he rarely gets time to play, and can make very nice coffee with almost any food in it, only requiring hot water and coffee, either instant or freshly ground. He has drunk so much coffee that caffeine rarely has an affect on him, and the dosage for it to do so is close to impossible to get.
Burn is a chirpy young Troll, happy to be around and attempt to cheer the other Trolls up. He has supposed 'wisdom' in the form of really confusing statements which only Penny understands, and often can deem if there is a meaning to his madness. He's extremely forgetful, and often can hoard thing that he finds, especially any form of flute he can. He is also addicted to coffee, where his coffee-making skills are often used: although he prefers coffee with milk and either honey or sugar, he has been known to use thing like:
- Girl Troll's bra liners (Didn't know what they were, only that they didn't help the taste of his coffee)
- Motor Oil (Gave him gas, so was never repeated)
- Salt (Actually improved the taste to him over normal coffee)
- Solar's cigarette butts (Not the nicest additive, but it worked)
- Liquid Skuntank musk (Gave it a bad smell, but was claimed by Burn to increase the potency of the caffeine)
- Hotdog Juice (A more interesting flavor)
- Lawn Trimmings (Made him sneeze, so wasn't repeated)
amongst other things in his hunt for the perfect coffee. He has been quoted saying: "If they baited a trap with coffee and honey, then I'd be trapped every time!"
Anne the Power Hedgehog[]
Molotov the Pyrohog[]
Burn loves hanging with his younger cousin, because they are two of the lighter-hearted members of Team Reaper, even considering Molotov's age. Burn considers Molotov to be the perfect replacement to Draco, because they get along better than Burn and his twin ever could have dreamed of. Burn also helps teach Molotov simple and standard Fire techniques, while Molotov helps Burn with more and more obscure coffee ingredients.
Penny the Pyrohog[]
Scorch the Pyrohog[]
Biggie McLargeHuge[]
Bubonic the Hedgehog[]
Flame the Rabbit[]
Brad the Weasel[]
Hotdog the Hedgehog[]
Frost the Hedgehog[]
Fiyah the Hedgehog[]
Draco Pyrinth[]
Draco Pyrinth[]
as well as typical Troll enemies
- Burn the Pyrohog has his links, although distant, to Fire the Hedgehog. He WAS Fire, then he got advanced to a Shadow recolor, then again to a Shadow recolor with clothes. There is little else linking him to Fire.
- Leave all comments on the talk page on the top bar. Go on, I know you want to, Wiki. (Sorry, been watching too many =3 episodes recently)