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Sonic Fanon Wiki
Name Percentage Description
Attack 62% Altheumelia's physical strength when attacking.
Special Attack 0.8 (80%) Altheumelia's strength when unleashing magic/special methods of attack.
Type Level Description
Aether 70%
Hymnia 80% The element affinity of Song Magic.
Light 50%
Psyche 70% The affinity of psyche and mind, can inflict conditions like confusion.
Sound 60%
Wave 40%
Condition Damage
Status Level Description
Blindness The target is temporarily blinded.
Confusion 40% The target will be temporarily confused and dazed, and unable to perform attacks properly.
Discord 89% The target's Waves will be erratic, meaning that the target will be unable to use magical/energy attacks during this condition. The target will also sustain damage that accumulates over time. The condition is temporary.
Echo The target will suffer from enhanced sensitivity to pain, and their sensibility will be shattered.
Lethargia The target's speed is slowed down.
Paranoia Causes the target's MP to be slowly sapped.
Paralysis Causes the target to be paralysed, meaning that the target cannot move.
Somnia The target falls asleep for a temporary amount of time.
Defence 0.5 (50%) Altheumelia's physical endurance to physical attacks.
Special Defence 69% Altheumelia's endurance to special attacks, such as spells or energy attacks. This also includes her level of resistance to status ailments in battle.
Elemental Defence
Type Level Description
Hymnia 89%
Status Ailments
Status Level Description
Speed 0.6 (60%) Altheumelia's rate and level of speed.
Accuracy 99% Altheumelia's level of precision to aim.
Intelligence 100% Altheumelia's capabilities of how to create strategies in battle/other situations.
Agility 89% Altheumelia's ability to sidestep/change direction while maintaining speed.
MP (Mana) 99% Altheumelia's magic energy within her, aka her magic reserves. The bigger the number, the larger her mana reserves.
SP (Stam.) 0.9 (90%) Altheumelia's physical energy which is required in strenuous activities.
HP (Health) 100% Altheumelia's health in battle.


Absolute Pitch

Sound Mimicry





Emotion Sensory




Gnosis is a rare ability that allows Altheumelia to communicate with, see, sense and commune with spirits anywhere.

Spiritual Communication

Spiritual Sensory


Auto-Dialectic Vocal Adaption

With Omnilinguilism, Altheumelia can subconsciously switch speaking languages.

Auto Dialectic Comprehension

  • Vocal
  • Literary


Third Presence


Eye Contact

Manual Control

Altheumelia is able to control and activate the ability whenever she wishes to.

Skin Contact

Song Note Fusion


Dimensional Travel

Wave Frequency Mode


Emotional Link
  • (Anger = Pain)
  • (Hatred = Extreme Pain)
  • (Love = Serenity, Peace)

Wave Sensory

Wave Manipulation

One of the functions that Wave Frequency Mode possesses, it allows Altheumelia to perform 3 functions:

  • Wave Creation (Sublimation): Altheumelia can create and emit Energy Waves with her own Symphonic Energy in her body; however, she can only create and emit D-Waves, H-Waves, Hz-Waves and (very small amounts of) P-Waves. Depending on the amount of Symphonic Energy she has, she can either create vast or small amounts of Energy Waves.
  • Wave Interference (Deletion): Altheumelia can erase and negate Energy Waves to recover small amounts of Symphonic Energy. However, N-Waves are an exception to this unfortunately. Because N-Waves are too unstable and violent in frequencies, they can only by eroded by themselves, like a radioactive atom with a half-life.
  • Wave Sublimation

Power(s) (Magic)

Healing Magic

  • Mantra of Cleansing
  • Mantra of Healing

Psychic Magic

  • Psi-Palm
  • Psionic Attack
  • Psychic Pulse
  • Telepathy Wave

Song Magic

Hymmnos Spells

  • Accelerando: This Spell Song temporary increases the sped of her allies or herself, surrounding themselves in an orange glow. The enchantment lasts for 5-10 mins.
  • Acciaccatura
  • Hymmno-Barrier
  • Hymmnopulse
  • Hymn Palm
  • Hymn's Enchantment
  • Melody Arrow
  • Solfeggio
  • Song Warp

Spell Songs

  • Ahih Reiyah (ESP>>/Ahih_Rei-Yah / IPA: əhiː reɪjə'''): This song was used by Altheumelia in Manjusara to protect the city and its inhabitants from a Wave Burst. Like Antiphona, it holds the purpose of protection, only that this song has a wider protection radius, and is designed specifically for protection against Wave Bursts, since other Spell Songs are not strong enough to withstand its energy barrages.
  • Alphomega (EXIM/::/_Alphomega)
  • Antiphona
  • Aortum
  • Apeiros Gefyrosi (RENUM_Apeiros=Gefyrosi/.#MOOD_Iriodes => CODE::Arrya=Lexicon)
  • Avedelria (Omniel::AVEDELRIA)
  • Battlesphere
  • Cassazione Vistra (Omniel::CASSAZIONE_VISTRA)
  • Cieln Protecta (Cliass::CIEL_N_PROTECTA)
  • Cosmoflips (EXEL_COSMOFLIPS): A Hymmno-Extrium designed specifically for Alpha Cielas. It was used in ancient times to commune with the Wills of the other worlds and with the Ale'Cieldras. Altheumelia used this song to communicate and negotiate with Sol'Ru, a Will of Mobius, when Quaver's Idiom failed. It was designed after and based upon Quaver's Idiom and has the same function and purpose as the song, only this song has a higher wave frequency that only Wills and Ale'Cieldras would understand, which is why it was used in ancient times.
  • Distillista (Cliass::DISTILLISTA)
  • Divinus Iudicium (Omniel::DIVINUS=IUDICIUM / IPA: dɪvɪnʌs ɪʲʊdɪsɪʌm'''): Altheumelia's most powerful Spell Song, it traps her opponents in an illusory realm and unleashes barrages of Symphonic Energy and aether, before finishing off with the realm exploding in a myriad of light, overloading the opponents with high-frequency Symphonic H-Waves and Vx-Waves.
  • Ethersphere
  • Faselinya: A Spell Song crafted by Altheumelia during her time captured by Sanguis Deviliam. It proves effective in seeking targets who carry evil or dark intentions. It unleashes beams of light.
  • Flipsphere
  • Harmoncordia
  • Ionphelim (Omniel::IONPHELIM)
  • Jinghualaya (Que:S:/=/Jinghualaya / IPA: ʤɪŋhʷəlaɪʲə'''): A Spell Song modelled and based on the Song Paja. Like Paja, it holds the same functions and capabilities of purging and deleting any abnormalities or "viruses" in systems, but it also holds a more advanced and additional function. It also expels any spirit with evil or dark intentions from its host. It manifests in the form of a wave of energy beams raining down from the sky upon the target.
  • Luminomia (RENUM_Luminomia/.#MOOD_Nirvana => CODE::Physilia=Fushe): This Spell Song is Altheumelia's RENUM Class Song. It summons her Cosmophase AETHERIUM_ASTERA into action.
  • Lxa Ticia (Cf.//Lxa_Tisia)
  • Mana's Paean
  • Metafalica
  • Metempsychosis (EXEL_METEMPSYCHOSIS): A Hymmno-Extrium that Altheumelia had found during her travels. As its name implies, it initializes a being's transmigration from death to life, which simply means resurrection in some form. However, that's only possible using the Rinkernator in Ar Tonelico or Ethesecta, since they both hold special functions.
  • Pacificordia (CF.EXEL_PACIFICORDIA)
  • Psalexithaeriya (Psalexithaeriya.EXOLEM_cls.PSYKHAERDIA::Soleia=Phylixindra)
  • Quaver's Idiom
  • Resuplethia (MODILUM::Resuplethia / IPA: rɛsʊplɛθɪʲə'''): One of the Spell Songs that belong to the Senator of Soleia, it acts as the activation key song for Quon Desila to activate and change into Sierelux (Cannon) Mode.
  • Solresol: A Spell Song in Altheumelia's possession since she possesses the authority and status as the (120th) Senator of Soleia. It allows her to temporarily "borrow" Shurelia's D-Cellophane stored within the servers of Ar Tonelico, giving her a dramatic increase in power and authority.
  • Solumisa (IPA: sɒlʊmɪsə): One of Altheumelia's main methods of healing, Solumisa focuses on comforting and soothing the souls, heart and minds of allies.
  • Sphilia (EXEL_SPHILIA): Altheumelia used this song in order to commune and console the Heart of Gaea in Moocheriel. It has no special functions, except only for conveying feelings.
  • Suspensium (EXEL_SUSPENSIUM / IPA: sʌspɛnsɪʊm'''): A Spell Song that shuts down a Song Server and places all Hymmnosens connected to that tower into a state of deep sleep/coma in a case of emergency.
  • Symphonia
  • Theravada (EXIQUEM/::/_Theravada / IPA: tʰɛərəvədə'''): This is one of Altheumelia's main methods of healing via Song Magic. It heals any physical or magical damage inflicted on herself or her allies.
  • Violencia: A powerful and destructive weapon in Altheumelia's arsenal of Song Magic. Created by feelings of hatred, vengeance and rage, this song would be capable of destroying a building and killing anyone. However, due to Altheumelia's pacifistic and gentle nature, and her love for all life, that interferes with the power and capabilities with the Spell Song. Therefore, the most severe forms of damage it can do are severely damaging living targets to the point of where their enter a death-like coma state or to the point of severe elemental damage that would not kill, but rather pose as a severe annoyance and irritation, like burns for example.
  • Vlibarphel Layhalltia (REGIS::{Vlibarphel=Layhalltia})
  • Vlibarse Yastalphia (REGIS::{Vlibarse=Yastalphia})
  • Volvoice
  • White Serenade (CF.EXEL_WHITE=SERENADE)
  • Xio Proceed (Esplass::XIO_PROCEED)
  • Yastol'Hya (REGIS::{Yastol:Hya})
  • Zonogeria
  • Zufao Jendin (ESP>>/Zu-Fao_Jen-Din)

White Magic

  • Divine Judgement
  • Ether Palm
  • Etheria Arrow
  • Etheria Pulse

Weapons & Items

Shiyalena (Staff)


  • Altheumelia --despite her gentle nature, has a fierce temper, which is difficult to set off, but once it is, her anger is described as "fierce enough to make anyone run for their lives, even terrorists, evil or even the Ale'Cieldra themselves." by Jacqli, who implies that she inherited this from her mother Aerleumina, who in turn inherited it from her ancestor Shurelia. When Altheumelia becomes enraged, she becomes incredibly destructive and violent, unleashing anger-enhanced-Song Magic Spells here and there, and attacking anything that either sets her off even further, or the catalyst who sparked it him or herself. And even though Altheumelia loses herself to anger does not mean her sense of wisdom and awareness of her own actions is diminished or clouded, meaning she is quite aware of what she does and does not charge blindly.
  • Fast, nimble and agile, can evade attacks easily.


  • It does not take much effort to shatter Altheumelia's confidence and self-esteem-- results are not pleasant. This shall probably improve as time goes on.
  • Due to her naïve yet gentle, wise, timid and kind-hearted nature, this makes her seen as an "innocent child that needs to be 'protected'" by her friends and others, becoming rather overprotective much to her dismay.
  • Once Altheumelia has been set off, it is highly difficult in consoling and calming her down, and she will not stop until she has dealt with the person who sparked her rage into action. However, Jacqli seems to be able to stop Altheumelia with her favourite dessert: Strawberry Ice Cream.
  • She can feel highly insulted and offended easily whenever her chest size is mentioned, such as the case when Liarsha_XP (equipped and illegally programmed with the Dorodere personality patch) did this.


Phyloxiyma is a genetic condition that causes the person's bodily systems to malfunction at times, and can cause instability in a Hymmnosen's D-Waves and H-Waves, which can cause life-threatening factors to arise. Due to having this condition, Altheumelia has to be careful. This condition is also incurable, but there have been rumours of a way to cure Phyloxiyma.

  • She should avoid any form of impure air around-- inhaling any form of it can damage her already-weakened lungs.
  • Due to this condition, her sensibility and vulnerability to Zolorium radiation is enhanced. Even the smallest amounts can send her heart into irregular heartbeats and into heart attacks. If exposed to large amounts of it, she will fall unconscious and suffer seismic fits (seizures in their most severe form) for about 10-20 mins. During this, she can possibly die, because the seismic fits are signs of her D-Waves going berserk, so in order to stop the seizures is to stabilize her D-Waves through some way.
  • Her body is weak and fragile, capable of caving in easily from a single hit in close-range, and her immune system is weak, which would mean she would easily die from a fever or cold. Thus, she takes daily medications to help her body and suppress her condition.